18 years of experience in Operational & Strategic Marketing, Innovation & Communication.
- Expert in developing & managing food brands with multi business skills: beverages, ice cream, chilled & frozen culinary food, confectionary, activating consumer & shopper centric strategies, driving brand building & product innovation at local & regional scale.
- Extended knowledge of the FMCG industry as well mass market as premium one in various channels of distribution.
- Highly adaptable with international experience & a strong collaborative spirit: have worked in multi-cultural environment in a matrix structure & in different countries including emerging markets in Central & West Africa.
Specialties: brand management, P&L, new product development & innovation, launch execution, advertising, market research & analysis, consumer insights.
I'm a creative, strategic & passionate global marketer continuously seeking to face new challenges & be actively involved in food sector.
Enjeu = structurer une verticale Food pour accompagner, faire avancer et accélérer la transformation des acteurs face aux enjeux de la transition alimentaire.
- Lancement de produits et services innovations avec les méthodes agiles et design thinking,
- Prototyper et designer de nouvelles approches d’innovation (prospective & design fiction, économie circulaire),
- Coaching de start ups early stage.